Well. It begins. My cloth diaper adventure is pretty much ready to go. My own mother thinks that I have gone off the deep end. Luckily I have a few friends that have offered me advice. And of course there is Google. What would I do without a trusty Internet search engine? ...Maybe my mother wouldn't think that I am crazy. Ehhh, what am I saying - I AM a bit nutty. This is my first post, so I guess I should introduce myself.   I'm Heather - recently turned stay-at-home mommy to a beautiful little 7.5 month old, who will henceforth be known as "L" in my little cyber world. I love music, I love books, I love cooking... oh, and cloth diapering... I *think* I love cloth diapering. That is my current project, so it must be mentioned. Never mind that I have spent too much money to turn back now! Anyway. I thought it would be a good way to start my blog, since I actually have something to talk about. Who knows - maybe I'll get a few laughs. Maybe you can learn from my mistakes!

Anyway, I hope you'll give me a read.  Since I am home with my little one now, I need an outlet.  Typing to no one does not particularly interest me. ;)

On to the diapers!

Yesterday I prewashed all of my prefolds and inserts. Okay. I cheated. I read that you can boil them. I don't have many, since I am experimenting with what will work for us, so it worked pretty well.... unless you count the time that I tried to gas poor L and myself. My pot boiled over. Don't overfill. Unless you enjoy noxious fumes. Yummy!  I wasn't far and I did actually hear it happen, thank goodness.  Anyway. I boiled for 10 minutes, dumped the water, and boiled 10 more. I read to just do 20 straight minutes, but I felt like I was getting rid of more oils that way. I then did a rinse cycle, hot wash with a tiny bit of Tide (gasp - I know... but I researched the crap out of it, and I am hoping it will work for us. L doesn't seem to be sensitive.) and then did an extra rinse. Then, into the dryer! Repeat. Hopefully that was enough prep. I am a self diagnosed internet research-a-holic.  I tend to read and read until my eyeballs fall out... and then I read some more, finally decided on a course of action.  I am starting off with 3 Indian cotton prefolds, 3 Grovia bamboo prefolds, and 3 Best Bottom hemp/cotton inserts. I was suckered in by good reviews. These babies had better work, because they were not the $1 prefolds that I had originally planned on. My covers are a Best Bottom, a Blueberry, and a Wolybug. I am wishing that I had invested in some WAHM products, but I found those goodies AFTER I ordered.  So much for research.  Hopefully, after I save up my pennies, my next purchase will be such!

Now, I only have to begin.  Which means... I am waiting for one last "event" to occur in our disposables.  I thought it would be today.  I was all set.  But no - L is being a little stinker.  (Get it?  "Stinker!")  She is determined to wait until I give in and put her in cloth.  After all, who wouldn't want the comfort when doing ones business?  ;)

That's all for now!

Heather, The Musical Mommy


    Write something about yourself. No need to be fancy, just an overview.


    June 2013

